Dance for Parkinsons

Kezia attended the Dance for Parkinsons course at Leicester University in 2016. She was taught by David Leventhal from the Mark Morris Dance Group in Brooklyn, where the programme originated.


The Dance for PD® program is built on one fundamental premise: professionally-trained dancers are movement experts whose knowledge is useful to persons with PD. Dancers know all about stretching and strengthening muscles, and about balance and rhythm. Dancers know about the power of dance to concentrate mind, body and emotion on movement because they use their thoughts, imagination, eyes, ears and touch to control their bodies every day.’


Kezia has used her many years teaching experience to create a class to benefit people suffering from Parkinsons. It is a mixture of chair based, standing and travelling exercises incorporating basic dance moves and choreography.

The class has a holistic approach, of mind, body and soul and everyone comes away feeling uplifted, positive and confident as well as improving general movement, stretching and strengthening too. There is a real community feel to the group where we all work together and can socialise afterwards, meeting like-minded people who are all in the same position. The class is open to all carers as well.


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