Summer News 2016

 What an exciting and busy academic year we have had at the ballet school this year! We have had something going every term and lots of successes.
During the last year we have held three exams sessions, one each term. This means a total of 90 children have been entered for their ballet exams and every child has passed with some great marks We have had a mizture of our regular once a week children taking their ‘Standard’ ballet exams and our Elite girls who attend at least twice a week taking their ‘Grade’ exams and two of our longest standing pupils taking their vocational ballet exam at ‘Intermediate’ level which gains points for UCAS and is the equivalent to taking an A level.
We have also had our show this term, which included 116 children. We were thrilled with the success of our show and thought all the children danced really well and performed brilliantly. We believe it is very important to be able to offer the children the chance to perform as well as work towards their ballet exams, and regular class work, as dance is a performing art.
We have also had success with some of our pupils being accepted as students of the Cecchetti Associates, English Youth Ballet, London Junior Ballet and The Royal Ballet Junior Associates which we are very proud of.